Date : 07-10-2024
Welcome to IMA's Karnataka Social Security Scheme
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I.M.A. K.S.S.S.

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KSSS No. :

Annual Reports
MC Meeting Minutes
General Body Meeting Minutes

Old Existing Scheme
Total Members : 2882

New Silver Jubilee Scheme
Total Members : 2715

Recent Death Claim Amount Paid - Old Existing Scheme
Rs. 19,25,000

Recent Death Claim Amount Paid - New Silver Jubliee Scheme
Rs. 60,95,000

Death Claim Amount Paid List

Old Existing Scheme DFC List
D.F.C. Notice No.:13
D.F.C. Notice No.:12
D.F.C. Notice No.:11

New Silver Jubilee Scheme DFC List
D.F.C. Notice No.:8
D.F.C. Notice No.:7
D.F.C. Notice No.:6

Frequently Asked Questions

 About IMA's Karnataka Social Security Scheme


The scheme purely designed on mutual contributions basis, and try to help the family members (Nominees) of the member on the event of death of a member.

  1. To promote social, moral, medical, cultural educational and financial help to the members and to their families in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

  2. To take up any welfare activities for the benefit of the members and their families..

  3. To render all types of help and assistance for the members who suffers permanent disabilities and to the families of members in the event of the death of the member.

  4. To achieve the objects, the following activities shall be undertaken.

    1. To raise and collect funds by way of subscription, contribution etc., from the members, Government & Institution.

    2. To acquire and hold properties movable and immovable by way of purchase or lease, and to improve, develop, and/or dispose of the same.

    3. To do such other activities conducive to the above objects.

  5. The income of the scheme by whatever means, it might have been derived shall not be distributed amongst its members or other but shall be utilized for the objects of the scheme only.

  6. The Secretary of the scheme is authorized to file the memorandum of the scheme and the rules and regulations of the scheme and to correspond with the registrar of the societies.


Any life member of I.M.A., K.S.B up to age of 60 years residing in India is eligible to become a member of this scheme.

 Important Information :

Note : This Web Site of IMA KSSS is created on 15-07-2016 The member's payments details prior to the date are consolidated for the available files in the KSSS office. These receipts which are dated 15-07-2016 are for pratical purpose. How ever the earlier orginal receipts are with the members are valid. And hence forth the dynamic updates of the payments are as per acutal date.

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